Life Amplifier

It’s time to escape your undesirable autopilot routine and become the star of your own life!

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

  • You don’t remember the last time you did something just for yourself and you’ve spent so much time focused on other people and/or your career that you don’t even have hobbies anymore.

  • Your relationship is on autopilot, your home life is on repeat and you spend a lot of time feeling resentful, annoyed and yelling at your kids and your partner.

  • You’re so overwhelmed that sometimes you fantasize about running away from all of your responsibilities.

 There is nothing wrong or right about how you’re feeling. You are simply yearning to reconnect to your true self.

Now imagine these shifts in your life in 30 days

  • Reconnecting with friends, hobbies and interests that you forgot you enjoyed.

  • Positively speaking to yourself is now your automatic response.

  • You have the confidence to try new things and take leaps you used to fear.

  • You are patient and calm with yourself, your kids, and your family.

  • You feel energized and you are living in the present and laughing again.

  • You are prioritizing your needs free from guilt.

  • You feel like an adult who has a clear purpose and sets boundaries like a boss.


A four week elite 1-1 coaching intensive with remarkable support

Start living with intention and get into the driver’s seat of your intentional life!


See what others are saying about me

The hypnotherapy was so relaxing, I felt my whole body get comfortably heavy, it was more than a brain massage, my back felt better after too! ~Gillian

“I wasn’t sure what to expect but I immediately felt comfortable with Alanna. I was able to share some challenges without feeling self-conscious. The hypnotherapy was so relaxing, I felt my whole body get comfortably heavy, it was more than a brain massage, my back felt better after too! It affected my whole day after the session, I was very relaxed but also energized.” ~ Gillian

With Life Amplifier you can

Transform your life into one you love living.

Overcome lifelong limiting beliefs and turn your emotions into your superpower.

Learn how to focus on what you want, instead of dwelling on what you don’t.




No blueprints. No step-by-steps. No scripts.

Everything is customized to you!



Together we explore the way you see your life and your place in it at this moment in time. We get laser-focused on what the real problem is. We do a deep dive into your relationships, your work life, and your health and well-being. It’s an opportunity to examine your dominating thoughts, feelings and behaviours. What’s waking you up at 3:00 am and keeping you awake? What thought loop are you stuck in? What habits do you need to move away from? What are recurring themes in your life? What beliefs do you have that could be slightly altered? We cover all of this and more in our first phase to get to the root of what is going on in your mind.



You start to unravel your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and learn how to create empowering, more positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that align with your goals. I help you identify what is and isn’t working and empower you with new ways of seeing your world. This phase is where you start to develop a new inner monologue, an improved self-image, positive routines and habits. You will discover your purpose and goals.



We create a custom plan to make long-lasting and permanent shifts in how you think and feel so you can feel more connected to yourself than ever. You feel like you have pressed the reset button on your life. You feel freer, more confident and have more clarity about who you are and what you are doing with your life. In this phase, you have increased self-awareness, you’ve turned your wounds into wisdom, you appreciate the present in a more meaningful way, and you have changed your perspective on your relationships, your work and your health. You have upgraded your thoughts and are attuned to your internal guidance system.



See what others are saying about me

“I had a hypnotherapy session with Alanna, and it was both transformational and eye-opening.” ~ Liz

I was struggling with a major work decision and taking action and couldn’t figure out why I was hesitating. In our session, Alanna took the time and care to understand my situation and where I was. She asked me a lot of deep and probing questions, which truly assisted me in seeing the decision in a whole new light and helped me figure out exactly what I was struggling with. Next, we moved into the hypnosis, which brought me to an even deeper understanding and enabled me to reflect on the steps that I needed to take and understand my hesitation. Alanna helped me see the roadblocks for what they were and move them out of the way so I could move forward and take action.” ~ Liz


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Your life before Life Amplifier

  • You are overwhelmed with life. You feel confused and anxious and feel isolated and resentful towards family, feeling sad or lonely. Uninspired with work, relationships, health, generally feeling bored with life.

  • You are surviving and just getting through every day.

  • You let your emotions take over and allow your emotions to react to people and situations in your life, but often regret how you reacted later.

  • You aren’t clear on what you want and as a result you aren’t working towards anything meaningful.

Your life after Life Amplifier

  • You feel joyful, energized, and take care of yourself, setting boundaries with family members, communicating your needs, and prioritizing your needs. As a result, activities are enjoyable again, and you're more intentional with your life.

  • You are living in the present and taking charge of your life.

  • You have full control of your emotions and you’re able to stay centered without absorbing the emotions of others.

  • You are clear about what you want and what action steps are required to get you there. You feel purposeful.


See what others are saying about me

“After a few minutes into the hypnosis, it was like her voice became my voice, and I profoundly imagined feeling what she was describing.” ~ Rebecca

“Alanna’s voice is calm, soothing and easy to follow. After a few minutes into the hypnosis, it was like her voice became my voice, and I profoundly imagined feeling what she was describing. Immediately after, I physically felt lighter and had a burst of energy. In just one session, I received clarity about how achieving my goal feels. There is a huge difference between finding a generic hypnosis recording online and having one personalized for you. Thanks, Alanna!” ~ Rebecca


Three areas of your life will be transformed.


Your relationships

Now you understand what it means to have your cake and eat it too. Now you understand what it means to be free, whole and connected. Now you understand how to communicate so that you feel seen, heard and understood. Now you understand how to take emotional responsibility and not be affected by your partner, coworkers, friends and children.

Your work

Now you have a goal and you know what you’re working towards. You have direction, purpose, and motivation. You know your why. Now you understand your mission in this world and what you have come here to achieve. Now you believe in your successes and feel like a winner.

Self prioritization

Now you make self-care a part of your daily routine because you realize self-care is a necessity, not a luxury. Now you know how to set boundaries. You value your physical health and understand the impact of your physiology on your mindset. Now you speak positively to yourself and spend less time worrying about things outside of your control. You’ve let go of the guilt. Now you see yourself as whole and complete and enough just the way you are.

 You are ready to take control of your life but you’re scared?

You have two choices


You can continue doing what you're doing

  • Get the same results.

  • Do more research online and try to make changes independently but still feel unhappy.

  • Continue complaining about your situation, relationship, weight, insert any problem here.

  • Tell yourself you aren’t worthy or don’t deserve to get help.

You can invest in Life Amplifier to

  • Change your life in four weeks.

  • Get clear on what you want and address the beliefs and habits holding you back.

  • Take responsibility for your life and go all-in on making the change required to overcome your challenge.

  • Unravel where those thoughts of unworthiness are coming from and clear them for good.

Invest in Life Amplifier Now

Get started right away!

Customized 1:1 coaching/therapeutic/soul- nourishing sessions.

Access to me by text in between sessions.

BONUS #1: Free access to any special classes/audio recordings/memberships while we are working together.

BONUS #2: A special gift for you because I love all my clients.

You can do this even if you feel guilty

I don’t have enough time

When will you have enough time? We’re an overcommitted society, but we always have enough time for things that are a priority, so when will your emotional and mental well-being be a priority?

I have already have a therapist.

Do you see positive, long-lasting results with your therapist? In my experience, once people have finished working with me, they don’t feel the need to see a therapist anymore. Again, I can speak from experience because that was my experience.

I don’t have the money

What is your well-being worth to you? Many people might say it’s priceless. Many of my clients have committed to doing this work and then found the money later. It’s amazing what comes to you when you decide to work on yourself.


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$1111 USD


See what others are saying about me

“Alanna has made me a believer in hypnotherapy. Tapping into the unconscious is possible if you allow yourself to trust the process and surrender. Hypnosis opened my mind to new ways of healing!” ~ Jen

“This huge shift in my world happened immediately. Then with each session more and more.” ~ Michelle

This is for you if:

  • If you’re feeling stuck in any area of your life, work, relationships, health, personal growth.

  • You are ready to take responsibility for your results.

  • You understand that change is a good thing even if it might be a little uncomfortable and inconvenient.

This is not for you if:

  • You like the autopilot, dull routine of your life.

  • You aren’t willing or able to do what it takes to create change.

  • You shy away from change necessary for your growth.

Here's what happens when you sign up

I’ll send you a welcome email

You schedule your first appointment and we get started.

It’s easy and fun!


Hi, I’m Alanna 

I am a hypnotherapist and life fulfillment coach for women who are ready to get more out of life. (I’m also known for my soothing voice, decluttering your mind, and amazing brain massages).

Let’s get to the root of your issue and reprogram your way of thinking.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Many people have the misconception that hypnosis is woo-woo mind control. On the contrary, hypnosis is extreme physical relaxation combined with an elevated state of mental awareness. In this deep state of relaxed calm, you can access the recess of your mind where 95% of your thoughts, actions, feelings, habits and beliefs live - the subconscious is your auto-pilot mechanism. Changing the way you think at the subconscious level creates meaningful, long-lasting change.

  • Through hypnosis we can tap into the subconscious and resolve issues that hold you from achieving what you want. In addition, the heightened awareness of the hypnotic state helps you focus on your problem more deeply.

  • Hypnosis has a 93% success rate and requires fewer sessions than traditional talk therapy. Hypnosis is endorsed by many top athletes, business moguls, and celebrities such as Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Drew Barrymore, Matt Damon, Albert Einstein, Kobe Bryant, and so many more.

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